Pearsall's Tunes

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Shystie - One Fierce Chick

This one's for Hecticblog. Shystie's album from last year, 'Diamond in the Dirt', was ok, but had too much hip-hop. Why is it when grime mc's get signed, they then do lots of hip-hop on their albums? Stop it! Anyways, these are good.

Shystie feat. Crazy Titch, J2K & Katie Pearl - Make It Easy (Davinche RMX) - Davinche rebuilds 'Make It Easy' into a bass-throbbing, string-stabbing epic, with Titch and J2K doing their thing as well. Awesome.

Shystie feat. Lady Fury's Mum - Murderation - Shockingly personal attack, replying to Lady Fury's diss. It's all in the little details on this, like sampling Lady Fury's mom calling up to complain about a previous Shystie diss or cutting back to where she got booed off stage at a Sidewinder rave. Harsh harsh stuff, but since I'm thousands of miles away and will never meet either of these girls, I can get all voyeuristic and find it funny. I wouldn't mess with this chick.

|| RPH || 4:59 AM ||


definite babe appeal, too :)
Blogger Robert, at May 15, 2005 11:10 PM  
Yeah, she's pretty cute from the pics I've seen.
Blogger RPH, at May 16, 2005 7:06 PM  
She's back now isn't she, after a break of hiding her head in the sand. She was pretty good on the mic on Cameo's show the other day with the Dice camp. Really precise incisive rhyming.
Blogger Derek Walmsley, at May 26, 2005 7:23 PM  
Ah, I'll have to check that out. Maybe I'll rip it and post it up on here if it's any good.
Blogger RPH, at May 26, 2005 11:24 PM  

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